Sunday, 18 January 2015

Questions, Questions, Questions!!

I really enjoy answering these questions so I thought I'd do some more that I found on Twitter. I don't know what it is about these posts that I like so much, perhaps it makes me think a bit more about myself? 


From just before Christmas, my teeth look so white! 

Full name
Charlotte Rhianne Gill

17 (less than a week till I'm 18 though!)

23rd January 1997

Helen Glover, Malala Yousafzai, Beyonce, Katherine Grainger

Favourite movie
Grown Ups is my favourite comedy movie and (not being original in any way) The Notebook is possibly favourite rom-com. But overall my top top favourite is Perks of Being a Wallflower. 

Favourite TV Show
24 Hours in A&E, Celebrity Juice, Silent Witness or Russell Howard's Good News

Something you hate about yourself
My massive forehead and my voice

Something you love about yourself
My hair (when it cooperates) and I think I'm a kind, caring person

Best friend
I have close friends too but my best friends are probably Emma, Greenie and Sophie 

Someone you hate
I don't know if I actually hate anyone because hate is quite a strong word but I just really don't like rude people, whether I know them or not, I can't stand rudeness

Favourite song
Jubel by Klingande and Stockholm Syndrome & Little Things by One Direction 

Favourite band
I think it's obvious but One Direction

Say sexy you think of:
Confidence, muscles and a nice, friendly smile (height is quite important too!)

Relationship status
I couldn't be more single if I tried

Ever had bf/gf
Nope (cries whilst consuming copious amounts of chocolate)

My idea of a perfect date
Something simple like a nice dinner and then a movie or just chill out at their house! 

Where I want to be right now
Somewhere warm and sunny with blue sky and blue sea like Florida or the Caribbean

Girl crush
Kendall Jenner

I mean just look at her, it's not fair

Boy crush
Harry Styles and Nick Bateman

Need I say more?

Embarassing memory
There are so many I can't remember. I've probably suppressed them in the back of my memory!

I guess rowing, I'm a good listener and I hope I'm good at writing? 

Someone I miss
The girls from the Welsh team! 

Someone I love
My friends for always being there

Future goals
Row for GB (who knows if that's actually achievable?!) and to be successful

A confession
This is really tricky! Urm.... I really don't know. I don't really have a lot of secrets/confessions and the ones that I do have are VERY secret and will not be exposed any time soon!   

Something I'm addicted to
Music, it is the one thing (apart from human essentials e.g. Water, oxygen and food) that I can't live without

Fave animal
Dolphins and horses (I can't choose between the two!) 

Favourite TV couple
I had to think really hard about TV shows for this one! I think maybe Miranda and Gary from 'Miranda' because they are so well suited and they are together eventually even though they encounter some major hiccups! Also, Chuck and Blair from Gossip Girl, partly for the same reasons but also because their final relationship is so perfect and he treats her like a princess! 

Janya (Jim Chapman and Tanya Burr) They literally have my relationship goals!

Favourite quote
I'm a sucker for quotes but some of my favourites are 'You never know what's impossible until you try' or 'Winners never quit, quitters never win' or 'The body achieves what the mind believes' 

Lucky number 
I don't believe in lucky numbers so I don't have one!

Biggest wish
To be happy, loved and successful

Bad habits
Nail biting and procrastinating

Food you hate
MUSHROOMS. I think it's partly their awful squishy texture but they also taste so gross. 

Hair colour

Eye colour

Favourite kind of ice cream
Pretty much anything from Ben and Jerry's or a simple Mint Choc Chip!

Any question you'd like: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully either still studying for a masters or working, hopefully in London!

I hope you enjoyed these questions! Feel free to do them yourself, let me know if you do! 

Much Love

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Keeping It Brief / 6

It's Wednesday so you know what that means.......
Coffee to keep me awake
Orange squash

Through new blogs 

To get my mock exam results 

Forward to some sun 

Old music that's bringing back memories

What I want for my birthday

It would stop raining

A night of no school work!

For the river level to drop so we can get out on the water!

How well January is going so far


On what to do for my birthday

Pretty Little Liars, it's my new addiction

My backache goes away

A pamper evening

Layers and layers of clothes because it is so cold

Hard work pays off

More than I realised 

About the future



My school files out

New makeup 

Makeup I want

The cold

UCAS emails! 

Over old memories

Mocks finished today so I had time to write this! Very glad that exams are over for now and I'm relatively happy with how they've gone so fingers crossed!!

Much Love

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Get to know me!

I was searching the internet for some more lifestyle blogs to read and found Linda Liang . She did a 'get to know me tag' and I thought I'd give it a go seeing as I've done the 50 facts about me but nothing more! 
What was your favorite subject in school?
Psychology of course but I do love geography too! 

What's your favorite drink?
Hot drink would have to be Costa's Gingerbread Latte, cold drink would probably be lemonade or orange juice and lemonade, it's so refreshing! 

What's your favorite song at the moment?
Chris Malinchak- Happiness. It makes me feel happy even when I'm not. 

What would you name your children?
Girl: Darcy, Lily or Isabel 
Boy: Oscar, Charlie or Archie 

Do you participate in any sports?
Yes, you probably know this from previous blog posts but I row!

What's your favorite book?
Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. The book and the film adaptation both made me cry. It wasn't until I saw the film that I realised what actually happened! I highly recommend both.

What's your favorite color?
I think blue! But if you looked at my wardrobe it'd probably be black or white!! 

What's your favorite animal?
I've always loved horses, giraffes, dogs and dolphins but I'm forming a new love for cats and guinea pigs too! 

What's your favorite perfume?
Black Opium by YSL or Si by Giorgio Armani 

What's your favorite holiday?
I love Christmas! 

Have you graduated from High School?
Well, we don't call it high school in the UK but I'm in my last year at secondary school and I'll be going to uni hopefully next year. 

Have you been out of the country?
Yes, I've been to Florida, France, Germany, Portugal, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Spain.

Do you speak any other languages? 
Well I did GCSE German but I can't remember much of it! 

Do you have any siblings? 
An annoying, pesky little brother! 

What's your favorite store?
TOPSHOP. mainly for its tall section. I just wish it was slightly cheaper.

Whats your favorite restaurant?
Bills, i love the rustic feel to their restaurants and the food is to die for. 

Do you like school?
I do now because I'm studying two subject which I love but I used to find it really difficult, not just the subjects but the whole aspect of it too!

Who are some of your favorite YouTubers?
I love Tanya Burr and Jim Chapman and I think have the perfect relationship. Hannah, Stef and Grayson Michalak appear to live my dream life! Troye Sivan, Jenna Marbles, Colleen and Rachel Ballinger are my favourite American youtubers. I also love Lily Pebbles and Sprinkle of Glitter!! 

What are some of your favorite TV shows?
Orange is The New Black, Gossip Girl, Russell Howard's Good News and Fresh Meat. Recently I've started Pretty Little Liars and I'm completely hooked!

PC or MAC?
PC, I've never had a MAC!

What phone do you have?
 An iPhone which has ruined my life

How tall are you?

Any pets? 
Yes, a dog. I used to have a horse, two rabbits and some chickens! 
I tag you all to do this! Enjoy! 

Much Love

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Keeping it Brief / 5

A scrapbook
Roast potatoes 
Orange and Mango squash


Mocks to be over

For motivation

Phillip Phillips- Gone Gone Gone

Which test I'm going to fail most! 

I wasn't so clumsy

Being with friends

For my birthday! 

Finding new music

My eyebrows, STILL

On which Urban Decay Naked Palette to buy

American Horror Story, I'm addicted already but it's so scary

My foot doesn't swell up after I dropped a wooden box on it (hence wishing I wasn't clumsy!)

To sort my sleeping pattern out!

This long sleeved top from Topshop, it's so cosy I want more! 

My strength improving

This year is going to go so quickly and I need to work so much harder if I want to do well! 

About what I want for my birthday

Hungry (but what's new there!)

Confident people

Out the pictures on my walls

+PointlessBlog's new 'Sorry about my hair' beanie!

Pages in textbooks that I need to learn

My brother, I can't explain how much we're not getting on right now. 

My new diary 

Watching Grown Ups 

As you can see from a lot of school related topics I've got mocks next week so please wish me luck! 

Much Love

Sunday, 4 January 2015

The Sweater Weather Tag

I was scrolling through Sprinkle Of Glitter's Amazing Advertisers and came across Alices Antics. Having a glance at her blog I discovered this tag and it looked fun so I thought I'd give it a go, especially as it has been so cold recently I thought the Sweater Weather tag was quite appropriate. 

1) Favourite Candle Scent?
I love candles but I'm ashamed to say I don't actually own that many! There is a Yankee Candle scent called Soft Cotton which has a really delightful, crisp smell but I think it's also quite a Spring/Summer scent! For Autumn/Winter I'm yet to discover my favourite candle. If you have any recommendations please let me know in the comments!

2) Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate?
Is this really a question? Actually thinking about it, I don't know if I can choose! Hot chocolate is perfect after a day of shopping or training in the freezing cold. Tea is so comforting. And coffee can be so varied and really picks you up on a day when you might be lagging a bit! I think I'd have to say Hot Chocolate though because I drink tea and coffee all year round but I tend to only drink Hot Chocolate in winter, it HAS to be Galaxy though!

3) Do You Switch Up Your Make-up Routine for the Season? 
I'm going to be honest, I'm quite boring with my own makeup, simply because I don't have a lot of makeup and I don't know what will look good on me! If I'm going to a party I will add more eyeshadow, lipstick, eyeliner etc but I have never done anything drastic. I tend to stick to neutrals and nudes! 

4) Hats or Scarves?
Hmm, this is tricky. I only own two hats because I never thought hats suited me until I found these two. In comparison I have loads of scarves and snoods. Snoods are a must for winter, I always find myself burrowing into it when I get really cold. I guess for that reason I have to say scarves but I do love hats, I think they can complete an outfit.

5) Favourite Christmas Food?
Pigs in Blankets or stuffing I'd say. I LOVE roast potatoes but I have them all year round, not just at Christmas. Of course I love chocolate and Terry's Chocolate Orange is a definite favourite (it counts as part of your five a day right?) 

6) Most Worn Sweater? 
I've only recently bought this  Red reindeer jumper from Boohoo which is actually the first Christmas jumper I've ever bought (shameful I know). But I also bought a light blue, knitted  jumper recently but in size 16 so it's so baggy and I have been living in it ever since (it has been washed don't worry). So I think this will end up being my most worn sweater. 

7) Must-Have Winter Nail Polish? 
I think Barry M have the best winter nail polish collection at the moment. I've always loved the matte burgundy but I recently purchased the Gelly Hi-Shine Chai. It's quite a dark grey but I love it! It dried quickly and I love the shiny finish of the Gelly Hi-shine polishes. 

Gelly Shine Chai 

8) Favourite Autumn/Winter Memory?
I think the one that sticks out most is riding my old horse bareback in the snow about 4-5 years ago. I just remember going down to the yard, seeing the field covered in snow and deciding to get on and have a little ride around the field. It was bliss. I wish I could relive it, I really miss having my own horse! 

9) Boots or Uggs?
I think we all went through that phase at around 13-14 years old when Uggs were all the rage. And yes, they are really warm and comfy but I much prefer boots now. Chelsea boots are probably some of my favourites and I live in my brown Topshop boots. They have a fur edge which adds warmth and they go well with majority of my clothes. 

My Topshop boots are getting quite worn out! 

10) What is the Winter Weather Like Where You Live?
Crap. Rain, Cold. Ice. Wind. No snow. It's really quite grey and bland. I think I'd much rather have my Christmas in Florida where it'll be sunny!  Or go to the extreme opposite and have a white Christmas! 

Much Love