First of all though, I'm not going to pretend that I'm super religious because I'm not. Yes I celebrate Christmas, Easter and Lent but I don't go to church other than for school occasions. You may then wonder, if I'm not overly religious then why do I take part in Lent (which starts tomorrow FYI)? Well, Lent comes just over a month after New Years and so if I've fallen behind on any of my New Years resolutions, it is a time to get back on track. I guess I also use it as an excuse to stop doing something I've been wanting to do for a while and haven't had the motivation to. You may also wonder what exactly it is that I want to give up this year but I'm not actually going to tell you.
I realise now that I've lured you into reading this post and I'm not actually telling you anything. The issue is that I've told people what I'm giving up before and then I've failed and it's kind of embarrassing. By keeping it a secret I am only challenging myself and it's not a competition with other people. I'm determined not to give up this year, I know I am my own worst enemy and my biggest rival but I'm going to try to overcome myself and complete Lent for once!
I think being over-competitive with other people is my biggest weakness because I often forget about what I'm doing and focus too much on what they're doing. I know I'm not the only one who does this, and it isn't just in competing but in life in general. We focus too much on other people's opinions and what they do that we forget to take care of ourselves and do what we want.
I realise that, once again, I am digressing from the real point of this post but I believe if we all took more time to ourselves to just relax and enjoy whatever we enjoy, everyone would be happier.
So, next time you have to make a decision that involves other people, why not be a little selfish about it. I honestly believe everyone has to be just a little selfish because otherwise we would never get what we actually want and spend our lives pleasing other people.
Are you planning on giving up anything for lent? Let me know in the comments! If so, STAY STRONG AND KEEP GOING! It's only 40 days!! Good Luck!
Much Love