Monday, 29 June 2015


I love makeup. It allows me to cover up spots, enhance my face and gives me a little extra confidence that I so greatly need. But I also hate makeup.

I wear makeup mainly because I don't like how I look without it, being fair skinned I have light hair and so without makeup I have no eyebrows or eyelashes and I look a little ill. There are certain cases where I don't wear makeup such as training and I wear very little more to school. Don't get me wrong, makeup is definitely fun. I think it's amazing that a few products can completely change your face but I'm not confident enough (and I don't have enough products) to be able to experiment with different colours and styles. I'm the type of person who, once I find something I like, I'll stick to it for a long time and I won't change anything and I'm definitely like this with makeup.

Part of the reason I don't like makeup is that I hate taking it off, I find it such a drag, even though it takes a very short amount of time. I also hate spending 10-40mins (depending on what I'm getting ready for) doing my makeup when I could be doing something with friends instead. 

So, in a brave step forward I have started to wear less makeup. I used to wear eyeliner, eyeshadow and sometimes foundation to school but I soon realised sleep was more important. Now I only wear concealer, powder, mascara and eyebrow pencil. Yes, I don't look great but it is just school right, who really cares? I think I used to wear lots of makeup because I felt like I had to look good, I don't really know who for, but being a girl I was required to wear makeup. And looking back on that I really don't like it.

It's not too long ago that I remember not really knowing what to do with a pair of tweezers, having never heard of a 'cat eye' and never picking up eyelash curlers. Truth be told I miss that time. Not just being carefree and happy but not having to deal with the pressure of looking good. I can assure you that if you go on the Daily Mail website on any day of the week you will find numerous 'news' articles judging the outfit of a woman or someone criticising a woman for not having the 'perfect body' even though she's just had a baby or maybe having a bad hair day. It doesn't just happen to women either, there are the same kind of articles about famous men too. But what kind of a world is it to live in if all people do is scrutinise one another on their appearance?

I try my best not to be a judgemental person, if I have a judging thought about someone I'll soon replace it with a positive thought e.g. 'That dress doesn't suit her' I would replace with 'that hairstyle really suits her'. I think it was tumblr where I saw a quote saying 'the first thought is what we've been conditioned to think (i.e by society) and the second is what we actually think' and I really like this. And I also think it's true. I'm currently trying to promote positivity between each other because I believe it's so important. 

Like I said before though I do really love makeup. I find it fun and I really think it's like a form of art. Some of the things that people can do is honestly mind blowing and I'm very jealous! If anyone wants to help me out for free I'd be very grateful (I can pay you in food!?). 

What're your thoughts on makeup? 

Thanks for reading! 

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