Friday, 18 September 2015


I got the inspiration for this blog post sat on a rock in South Africa overlooking the White Umfolozi river as the sun was setting and a baboon was sat a few metres away from me in a tree. That is the beautiful thing about the wilderness, you get so much time to think about things and this was one of them.

I was thinking about how I hadn't worn makeup in a week yet people had still spoken to me, still treated me like a human being and it showed that your appearance does not define your worth. This then led me onto other things that don't define your worth and I got quite into it and ended up writing about 11 pages in my journal for that day. The exact thoughts I had are slightly too personal for me to publish on here but I'll share the general  the premise of what I was thinking.

There is so much pressure on young people (from their peers and society) these days to appear perfect, to be sexually active or to know what they want to do in life and in the end we forget what we are worth. 

We are worth more than the number of likes on a selfie. We're worth more than the number of 'friends' we have. We're worth more than the letters on our results sheet or our report card. We are worth more than how many people we have or haven't had sex with. What I'm saying is that we are worth what is inside of us, our personality is what matters. Good people will value the good in you. If you're a kind person, a helpful person or a hard-working person for example people are likely to gravitate towards you, no matter what you look like or what you do in your private life. 

If they don't see beyond your appearance or your private activities they're probably not worth being friends with because they judge a book by its cover and they're not people you want to associate yourself with. You deserve more than someone who will only be friends with you if they think you're attractive enough to be part of their group or someone who is only friends with you because they can use you for something. 

So next time you feel a little low remember all the good things about you. Forget anyone who is negative or rude. Just think of what is good about you and what makes you so unique to this world and I'm sure you'll feel a little better!

Thanks for reading,

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