- Look after your body- You only have one body and looking after it by eating healthily, exercising regularly and drinking lots of water you'll feel so much better (and look better). Your skin will clear up, hair and nails will become stronger and you should feel happier!
- Exercise is the best medicine- Whenever you feel down and craving chocolate go and exercise. Even if it's just a 15 minute walk the fresh air will do you good. You may not feel like exercising but the endorphins released will lift your mood!
- Live YOUR life in your time- Everyone reaches milestones at different times whether that's biologically or socially (first boyfriend, first job etc). So don't judge your life based on other people's. I honestly believe everything happens for a reason (even though you may not realise it at the time) and so don't worry if it hasn't happened for you yet. It will, at the right time, with the right person, in the right place!
- Don't deny yourself simple pleasures- While I'm always trying to eat healthily, if i want cake or chocolate, I'm going to eat cake or chocolate! If I want to lay in bed all day, watch movies and eat a tub of Ben and Jerry's I probably will! The amount of pressure we are all under whether it is school or work, family and relationships, we all deserve a break or a treat!
- Spend time with your family- While you may fight and argue a hell of a lot, your family love you and they will always be there for you. No matter how old you get you can still call your parents and have a cry to them or simply just for a chat they'll never let you down!
- Don't live on your phone- This is something I'm rubbish at and extremely guilty of but you don't need to constantly be updated on social media. Spend time living in this world, we live in a truly incredible and beautiful world yet we are all culprits of spending our heads down, focussed on our phones! Everyday try to make time for no phones/social media. Just read, meditate, do yoga, make food, eat food, listen to music or see friends WITHOUT YOUR PHONES!!
- Push your boundaries, you're stronger than you think- Honestly you are so so much stronger than you think. You can accomplish anything you put your mind to so push yourself to do things and you'll surprise yourself (and be even better for it!)
- Failure isn't a bad thing- A lot of people see failure as the end of the road but I can promise you it isn't. Look at it as a bump in the road, a slight step back but success is never going to be a straight line. Failure will make you stronger, fall down 6 times, get up 7 and you'll realise you can be successful.
- Smile at something everyday- When you feel stressed or upset it is easy to find yourself in a constant down mood but it's so important that you know what or who can make you smile and maybe even laugh a little. Whether it is music, a TV show, a funny picture of you and your friends that brings back a good memory or simply a movie and a hug from your best friend. Smiles are contagious and instantly make a person look good!
- Music is your saviour- Music can be used as an escape, a motivator, a relaxation method, a mood uplifter or a party starter. Music is one of my most favourite things in the world and I honestly couldn't live without it.
- Your parents know you best, always listen to them!- They know you better than you think and have known you longer than anyone so when they say that they know best, it is quite likely that they do. Now I'm not saying they have to tell you what to do for the rest of your life but if they give you a little advice just listen to what they have to say and I think you'll be surprised by how right they often are!
- Not everyone will like you, it doesn't make you a bad person!- You will never please everyone and so not everyone will be your friend but it really doesn't mater. You're only human and so obviously you have flaws, some people will love you nonetheless but there will always be people who don't/won't like you and your uniqueness, that doesn't mean there is something wrong with you!!
- Kindness is key- Kindness costs nothing and can often make someone's day. Don't waste your time being rude or grumpy, people are a lot less likely to be nice to you if you are!
- Your sibling (s) is/are your best friend(s)- Yes you may argue for the first 16 years of your life but as you both grow up you'll become closer than you ever thought you would, tell each other secrets you don't tell anyone else and just get each other because you've spent almost everyday of your life with them so they know you inside out! They have no reason to judge you, having seen you at your complete worst so they really are one of your best friends!
- Cooking can be enjoyable- Cooking healthy, hearty and of course tasty food doesn't have to be a slog and you can use it as a time to relax, put your phone away and dance around your kitchen (I do this and it is rather enjoyable and highly recommended). The feeling of success when you sit down and take the first bite of your creation and it tastes a little like heaven is a wonderful feeling.
- Mental illness isn't weakness- Mental illness does not mean you are weak and it does not make you a bad person or that you should feel ashamed of it. It's not your fault and it doesn't make you any less worthy. Be strong and don't be afraid.
- Push yourself out of your comfort zone- This is something I used to really struggle with but the more I've done it, the more I am so much more comfortable outside my comfort zone! As cheesy as the quote is, 'life begins at the end of your comfort zone'.
- Grades aren't the be all and end all- Obviously you should work hard at school and try your hardest but not everyone is academically talented and excel at school and that's fine. There is waaayyy too much pressure on school kids now to get 10000 A*s but that's not achievable for many so don't fret about your grades. You'll find your niche eventually and it doesn't have to be uni. There are so many options out there for you, apprenticeships, internships, jobs, the army, the list is endless.
- Just be happy- At the end of the day happiness is the most important thing in life. Happiness with yourself, your job, school, relationships, friendships and all other aspects of life I may have missed out. If all else fails do what you love and don't sress about the rest!!
I hope these life lessons have been helpful for you! My first 19 years alive have been quite amazing, especially the past 3 or so years. To think that in 19 more years I'll be 38 is rather daunting but just as exciting (yet also slightly scary because I don't want to get old!!).
Thanks for Reading!