Friday, 1 January 2016

2015: A Review and a Reminisce of the Year

I've been a very bad blogger.....It's been a whole month since I last posted anything but I guess that's the festive season for you! One of my resolutions for 2016 is to get back into a normal blogging routine!! 

2015 has been quite a year. When I think back to where I was this time last year I was a completely different person in a totally different environment. January 2015 me was still super anxious a lot of the time, tired constantly from the pressure of school work, absolutely LOVING rowing and being captain and lacked a hell of a lot of confidence. I was still in school with the countdown to summer exams already feeling real and I don't remember being totally happy.

As the year went on I got happier and I remember driving with my bff and we just talked about how we've never actually felt happier and I think that was the happiest I've ever been for a prolonged period of time. Rowing was going well and I had the best friends and I thought I was doing okay at school (how August would prove me slightly wrong!).

Exams passed, regattas happened and before I knew it it was results day and I was sat there (crying before I even got my results) with AAC, uni-less, jobless and extremely scared for the year ahead. My dad pushed for me to go to college to resit but I knew that was completely the wrong thing to do, I needed to get out of this little Welsh town and do something, learn something and actually enjoy life. So, with the help of my rowing coach I found a gap year position as a rowing coach and the next week I had moved 3hours and 100+ miles from home. 

Starting the job was possibly one of the most daunting things I have ever done but it was 1000000% the best decision I've ever made (other than to start rowing in the first place). Since September my confidence has soared, I've got stronger, I'm learning every day and I have only had one half panic attack since results day which I'm so happy about. I've been pushed so far out of my comfort zone on so many occasions now that I'm an -almost- fully functioning adult who does their own washing, food shopping and cleaning. Things as small as checking the oil on my car to bigger things like bank and money stuff (which I actually find so confusing). 

By mid-November-December I actually felt happy and settled, starting to really get the hang of my new job, getting better at my job and enjoying life (as cheesy as it sounds). My weeks consisted of work, rowing, procrastination (should read study but it hasn't happened yet) and more rowing and I'm completely happy with that. It's been so nice to let my hair down again with my friends since we've ll been back from uni/gap years but I'm now ready to get back into my work routine because it seems to actually keep me sane!!

Rowing wise this year has been a bit of a rollercoaster. I've improved so much in the last 4 months with 3/3 PBs on my erg tests during test week but I've also had some super challenging races when I was still at school. However school rowing was so so so so so much fun, Seville was incredible, our stays away for events are some of my best memories and I've got some really good friends from it. Now I've got a new club, new coach, new friends and I think it's going well. Over Christmas I have slightly struggled with motivation but I'm sure it'll come flooding back when I can get back into my training routine too (can you tell I live for routines??) 

I'm going into 2016 stronger, more confident, with 3/5 uni offers (praying for the last 2) and a lovely bunch of friends in Chester and at home and I'm excited for the year ahead. 

I hope everyone has had a good 2015, spent NYE with their family/friends and here's to 2016! 

Thanks for Reading!

P.S. I promise to write more this year and be frequent with the posts!

Now I've said it publicly I definitely can't back out! 

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