Monday 2 June 2014

Hello! Bonjour! Guten Tag! Aloha! Shalom! Namaste! Hola!

Hello! Firstly, let me introduce myself my name is Charlotte, I'm 17 years old, 6ft1 tall and currently studying for my A-levels at an all girls school. In one sense I'm a typical girly girl. I LOVE shopping, clothes, makeup, beauty, boys *harry styles* and spending time with my best friends. I have a major weakness for One Direction, I've seen them live twice and I'm seeing them at Wembley on the 7th June with one of my best friends!  However, I'm also obsessed, and I mean OBSESSED with rowing. Last year I won a silver medal at the National Schools Regatta in the championship girls 8. Since experiencing the exhilarating feeling of success I have been motivated to better myself in every aspect of life. That summer I also went on a month long World Challenge trip to Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Hands down one of the most valuable experiences of my life (I may write a whole blog post on this in the future).  
On World Challege
Additionally to rowing, I'm really starting to enjoy running. I've got my first 5km run in August. I am also taking part in the Press Up Challenge (created by Olympic gold medalist Pete Reed). For each day of the year I have to do that amount of press-ups, today is day 153!  Recently I have started the Squat Challenge and Ab Challenge to add on to my core workout I do every night. Living at home it is quite difficult to eat as healthily and clean as I would like but with summer on it's way I'm hoping to get cooking more! 

Now onto the blog. I've wanted to start this for a while but I've never known what to say.... I still don't really! However, I've been inspired by the likes of Zoella, Louise (sprinkleofglitter), Tanya Burr and Pete Reed and I thought I would give it a go! I'm planning on posting fitness, lifestyle, photography, fashion and beauty (the little I know) and life in general. There will be ramblings of my time with some of the best people in the world and of my journey to university, advancing in rowing and the continual strive for happiness! 

As inspired by  I am going to do a 'Currently':

Saying cute. It is probably my most spoken typically girly!
Eating houmous, carrots, breadsticks and HALLOUMI! so in love with that squeaky cheese!
Listening to One Direction 'Midnight Memories' album but also 5 Seconds of Summer... I like my boybands!
Watching Made in Chelsea and Hollyoaks are my go to shows but I watch more youtube videos... I love Alfie (pointlessblog), Zoella, Louise, Louis Cole (Fun for Louis), Marcus, Jim Chapman, Joe Sugg, Troye Sivan  and many others!  
Reading The Fault in Our Stars- John Green....the best book I've EVER read, preparing myself for the movie now!

 I hope you all enjoy! Feel free to follow my tumblr or my twitter
Suggestions for future post would be much appreciated! Please let me know in the comments below what you think of this post, I'll be eternally grateful!

Much love!

p.s. if you got this far THANK YOU. 


  1. Hi Charlotte, I found this blog by randomly searching in the "blogspot" tag on tumblr because it's like one in the morning where I live and I'm bored. :p I feel like such a YouTube junkie because I recognized all the names that you listed, and I'm excited about TFIOS too! Welcome to blogspot, have a nice day. :)

    1. Hi! aw haha well thank you for visiting! I think I've got a little addiction to YouTube..oops! TFIOS is going to be INCREDIBLE, I know I'm going to cry so so much! Aw thanks, have a lovely day too!
